Why You Should Still Consider a Flip Mobile Phone?
Upgrading To a Flip Mobile Phone I was a bit envious of my co-worker's rather basic flip phone with weeklong battery life. While most people now carry smartphones to stay online all the time, there is definitely some appeal in simpler times when you can just take your time to do things without being online
2021-09-27 By CWELL -
A Battle Between PDA Android and Smartphone
A PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) is a compact mobile device that we use for professional or personal tasks. These devices help us perform tasks, including keeping and scheduling address book and calendar information handy. We also have smartphones that handle such tasks via apps or built-in functionality. So, what makes you choose a PDA android
2021-09-23 By CWELL -
What Makes Industrial Rugged Tablet 10 Inch So Rugged?
Introduction Smart devices like mobile phones, tablets, and PCs play an important role in today's society. A lot of our everyday work happens on smart devices. Smart devices have made our lives so much easier. However, not just our lives at home but also our lives at work have also become very easy. With smart
2021-09-23 By CWELL -
Reap the benefits of 4G mobile networks
Introduction Smartphones and other devices with Wi-Fi have become a very common and crucial part of our everyday lives. People spend most of their time on the Internet with the help of Wi-Fi. However, devices that allow only Wi-Fi connectivity has a limitation, the Internet is not always connected. If there is no Wi-Fi around
2021-09-22 By CWELL -
Digitizing Warehouse Operations With Android Rugged Tablet
Why digitize warehouse operations with an android rugged tablet? We now see companies doing a lot of work digitally on smart devices like tablets, which can be very time-saving and efficient. Also, many other things like online shopping and online bill paying, online conferences, online interactions, and transactions all happen digitally through smart devices. Talking
2021-09-15 By CWELL -
Difference Between PDAs and Tablets
PDAs and Tablets Technology is expanding wings every day and we see more and more innovations, especially in the computing world. When we talk about mobile computing, different facilities are getting benefits from tablet computers and PDAs for data collection. Unfortunately, not many people know which device they should be using for their setting. It
2021-09-14 By CWELL